Hike, Pray, Love It!
Relax With a Los Angeles Urban Hike at Mount Washington

For an urban hike with a slice of Zen, head to Mount Washington. This 3.5-miler through the hilltop neighborhood in eastside Los Angeles offers the ideal trifecta of tranquil views, inner reflection, and a good sweat. Pure bliss!
Start by ascending the stairs at Ave. 43, originally the route of a railway that carried residents up the hill in the early 1900s. The steep climb continues up Canyon Vista Drive and Mount Washington Drive where your efforts will be rewarded with a serene view of the surrounding canyon. Turn right on San Rafael Avenue and soon you’ll approach the headquarters for the Self-Realization Fellowship (3880 San Rafael Avenue), a spiritual sanctuary founded by the monk Paramahansa Yogananda that’s devoted to teaching meditation and the art of spiritual living.
Head through the wrought-iron gate to take in the calming vibes of this hidden paradise featuring a grand estate, a chapel, an old tennis court, and immaculate gardens filled with secluded enclaves for sitting and meditating.
Keep going on San Rafael, turning left on Sea View Avenue and continuing onward until the pavement turns into a dirt path. Along the way, you’ll catch a glimpse of the Verdugo Mountains and the lovely historic homes throughout the area, some seemingly perched on the edges of the hill.
For one last moment of tranquility, take the path through the tiny Moon Canyon Park to descend.
Stay on Museum Drive all the way down to Marmion. When you hit Marmion Way, take a right to return to where you started, completing the loop.
Park on Marmion Way at Ave. 43, or take the Gold Metro Line to the Southwest Museum stop. Begin at the staircase just uphill from Marmion Way at Ave. 43. Check the Self-Realization Fellowship website for opening hours.
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